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Our Story

It all began with a question to a woman after the birth of her daughter, "do you want to see yourself through art?" She had prepared her body, her vulva as best she could yet her body gave way in the very last minute, making room for her little girl to come into this world. As joyous as she was for the birth of her daughter, she couldn't deny the sadness that she felt. The tear left her feeling "broken".


​Christina had been printing her own Yoni for several years. A self love practice of exploring, embracing and celebrating the unique expressions that her Yoni made, she thought it may benefit her friend, just as it did her. 


​"Yes! I do!"And so a Yoni Print workshop was born.


Weaving together art, sexual education and healing practices to empower and provide a safe nurturing space for women to heal from trauma, release shame, and build a positive relationship with their body, their Yoni!


Yoni Printing has shined a light on how misinformed and miseducated we are on our own sexual health. This lead Christina on a journey to learn more about female sexual health and thus, For Her Benefit is birthed. Dedicated to sharing unbiased information on female sexual health to our community through workshops, retreats and events. 



"When I first began painting, the colors were dark, black even. But as I continued the colors began to emerge and a light, my light began to come through."

- Retreat Participant



Sexual healing art plays a profound role in promoting an individual's mental and emotional health and wellness by offering a holistic avenue for exploring and reconciling with one's intimate and emotional experiences. Through various artistic expressions and healing practices such as visual art, music, dance, or journaling, guided mediation, and sexual education individuals can delve into their emotional landscapes, addressing past traumas, repressed feelings, or societal stigmas associated with sexuality. This process allows for a cathartic release, aiding in the release of pent-up emotions, reducing stress, and potentially alleviating symptoms of anxiety or depression. Additionally, it facilitates a safe space for self-reflection, promoting self-awareness and self-acceptance, thus contributing to a more positive and holistic sense of self and fostering overall mental and emotional well-being. The exploration of sexual healing through art provides a transformative pathway toward personal growth, aiding individuals in embracing their identities and enhancing their overall health and wellness.

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"As I approach the end of my body's fertile years and enter my crone years, I want to capture the deep connection and love I have had with my womb during my menses. I will miss this time in my life. These prints are a beautiful way for me to honor and celebrate that special relationship." - Yoni Print Participant


Sexual healing art can have a profound impact on a woman transitioning throughout the different stages of womanhood. During these significant life changes, many women experience shifts in their identity, body image, and sexual health. Engaging in sexual healing art provides a creative and cathartic outlet to explore and express these transformations. Through the process of creating and reflecting on art, women can reconnect with their bodies, embrace their evolving sexuality, and release any lingering shame or negative beliefs about aging. This artistic journey fosters self-acceptance, empowerment, and a renewed sense of vitality, helping women navigate the changing seasons and transformations with confidence and grace. By celebrating their sexual energy and beauty through art, women can cultivate a deeper appreciation for their bodies and embrace the fullness of their life experiences.

"It's so interesting to learn there are different types of yoni's.

And that ours dictate different feelings during intercourse and play.

I will for sure be looking into it more."

Yoni Print Workshop Participant


Combining sexual healing art with sexual anatomy education offers a powerful and holistic approach to individual well-being. When paired with comprehensive sexual anatomy education, this approach empowers individuals with the knowledge and understanding of their bodies, fostering a deeper connection and appreciation for their own anatomy. This combination helps dismantle shame and misinformation, encouraging a positive and informed relationship with one's body. As individuals engage in artistic expression and learn about their sexual anatomy, they can release trauma, build self-confidence, and cultivate a sense of empowerment. This integrated approach promotes holistic healing, self-awareness, and a healthy, respectful attitude towards one's own sexuality.

Are you a potential Workshop or Retreat

If you a Comprehensive Sexual Educator, Pelvic Floor Specialist, Menopause Coach, Woman's Empowerment Coach, Therapist specializing in Genital Dysmorphia, Womb Wellness Educator and Facilitator, Red Tent (Intimate women's circles) Facilitator, Gender Affirming Specialist, and/or Gynecologist Oncologist let's collaborate to create a educational, empowering and fun bonding retreat for your community! 


Viewing my Yoni Prints was a celebration of feminine beauty! I thought, "She has so many moods and expressions!"I took phone pictures of the prints and find myself looking at them now with a mixture of wonder and a desire to share this Yoni Print experience with women in my Women Healing Women Weekends.

After my miscarriage, I had a whole host of emotions toward my yoni that I had never felt before. Disappointment, anger, and resentment were at the forefront. I worked through most of that on my own but was really able to sink in and bond this weekend like never before. Christina, your work is important and inspirational. I am so grateful to have been able to do this.

About the Founder

To truly love ourselves, we must first know ourselves. For many women, the last place they look is between their legs.


It’s understandable—we’re taught from a young age not to look, and certainly not to touch ourselves. The stigma around women’s genitalia stems from a long history of cultural, religious, and societal attitudes that have often viewed female bodies and sexuality as taboo, shameful, or in need of regulation.


However, science and research support the experiences women are having during Yoni Print Sessions, Retreats, and Events held at For Her Benefit. Through this work, I’ve learned just how important it is to break down the stigma surrounding women’s genitalia supporting them in fostering a healthier relationship with their bodies and sexuality.


Studies show that comprehensive sex education, body positivity, and realistic representations of female genitalia can reduce shame and help women embrace their ever changing bodies. Practices like mindfulness and yoni printing can deepen the mind-body connection, while debunking harmful myths about what’s "normal." For Her Benefit empowers women to embrace their body which naturally leads them to empowered sexual health and overall well-being.


This nonprofit is dedicated to encouraging women to explore and truly know their bodies. There’s a world to discover within ourselves, and our health depends on the strength of that relationship. The mind-body connection profoundly influences the quality of our lives.


 If you are a woman who desires to fall more deeply in love with herself, I look forward to meeting you!


And to those supporting this mission—whether emotionally or through financial contributions—thank you! It means the world to us.

"     Christina Castaldo

Our Board Members

Stephanie Pearlman

Director of Accountability and Compliance 

Stephanie Pearlman has been a dedicated paralegal for almost 20 years, bringing extensive legal support expertise. Throughout her career, she has contributed to various legal environments with her adept research, litigation support, and administrative skills.


Her extensive experience has honed her abilities in navigating legal challenges, ensuring compliance, and supporting policy development. Stephanie has consistently demonstrated a passion for advocacy and a deep understanding of the legal complexities faced by organizations and individuals alike.


As a board member of For Her Benefit, Stephanie is eager to leverage her legal background to further the organization's mission, promote equitable access to resources, and support the community. Her strategic thinking, attention to detail, and collaborative spirit make her a valuable asset to the board.


In her free time, Stephanie enjoys reading, community events, and travel, reflecting her dedication to lifelong learning and community engagement.

Becky Shipman

Director of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusivity

Dr. Becky Shipman was born in 1958 in Winchester, Massachusetts. She earned her B.S. and M.S. degrees from Cornell University and completed her PhD at the University of California, Berkeley. With a distinguished career spanning nearly three decades, she worked as an engineer for 3M in St. Paul, Minnesota, from 1990 to 2019, where she is listed as an inventor on 12 U.S. patents.


During her tenure at 3M, Becky transitioned from male to female between 2001 and 2003. She played a pivotal role as the Chair of 3M’s LGBTQA+ Employee Resource Group, where she was instrumental in obtaining domestic partner benefits for LGBT employees.


In addition to her engineering career, Becky is trained in massage therapy, somatic experiencing, and somatic sex education, specializing in bodywork for clients with a trauma history. Now retired in Sedona, Arizona, she is also a passionate singer, songwriter, and guitar player, with her original music available on most streaming services under the artist name “Kitty Pandemic.”


Becky has been actively involved in community service, having served as secretary for three years for the Sedona/Verde Valley chapter of PFLAG. Her other interests include hiking, flying, and paddleboarding.


With her diverse background in engineering, advocacy, and holistic healing, Dr. Becky Shipman brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to our board, embodying our mission to empower and educate through the arts.

Mission & Vision

Our Mission

Our mission is to empower women to cultivate a positive genital sense of self through sexual healing art, education and empowering practices. We believe that embracing and understanding our genital sense of self is essential to overall well-being and sexual empowerment. By offering an accessible and inclusive artistic modality and educational programs, we aim to guide women on a transformative journey towards healing, self-discovery, self-acceptance and overall confidence. Through our holistic approach, we create a safe, inclusive and supportive space where women can explore and celebrate their body, deepen their connection with themselves, and foster a healthy and positive relationship with their genital sense of self. Our goal is to break down barriers, challenge societal norms, and inspire women to embrace their sexual identities with confidence, authenticity, and joy.

Our Vision

Our vision is to contribute to a world where individuals embrace their genital sense of self and celebrate their bodies as a whole through the transformative power of sexual healing arts. We envision a future where every person feels empowered, educated, and liberated to express their unique beauty and sexuality without shame or stigma. By fostering a culture of acceptance, self-love, and holistic wellness, we aim to inspire profound personal growth and a deeper connection to oneself. Our ultimate goal is to make a profound impact where artistic expression and education cultivate a more inclusive, compassionate, and empowered society.

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Get in Touch

If you have any questions or would like to learn more about our services, feel free to reach out. We are here to support you in your journey towards healing and empowerment.

Tel: 602-626-0727

Support Women's Sexual Empowerment and Healing

Your contribution and collaboration supports women in reclaiming their bodies, embracing their sexuality, and foster deeper self-love. Together, we’re breaking down barriers and empowering women to connect with All of who they are! 

I want to Invest in Women's Sexual Healing

© For Her Benefit Endowment Inc | All Rights Reserved

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